Monday, May 2, 2011

RESULTS: The February Financial Experiment - Going Cell Only

Okay, okay, I know it's now MAY and I never posted the results of this experiment! 

Well, it's pretty short and sweet... We've been without a house phone since February and we haven't missed it a bit!  No annoying sales calls, no political robo-dialers, no-one looking for me to donate to the charity of the week (how do you even know if those are legitimate anyway?)! 
Every once in a while someone will say to me, "Hey I tried to call you and your phone said it was disconnected."  I then give them my cell number and they'll be able to call me the next time they need to.  Other than that, It's been one of the easiest things to give up!  We saved a few bucks and a bit of my daily sanity.

Best part?  I no longer have to run for the phone when it rings downstairs!  Now... does anyone want to buy a cordless phone and answering combo? 
